Just give me some non-God-centric electroless copper plating!
Updated 29 December 2012, 6:42am – See Think & Tinker’s guide to acid copper through-hole plating
That’s it – I’m giving up for the day. Twenty-one hours of searching online for a copper plating service that’ll give me PCB through-hole plating anywhere in Metro Manila yields nothing. And worse. Continue reading “Just give me some non-God-centric electroless copper plating!”
Bright and still night
Phlegiscope, Keeping Track of Laws Being Made
What is Phlegiscope?
UPDATE – We’ve been Scooped! Yippee!! (Friday, 2nd of October 2015): This morning, I got a message from James E. that gave me an exciting jolt. In this post on newschallenge.org, Gang Badoy of RockEd Philippines describes their Polimetrics project, launched in July 2015 that does legislation tracking in a better-focused manner, with an agile team that includes a data science expert and statistician, and advisers with links to publishers and academe. While they’re using a different set of technologies and with broader goals, the “technology stack” they and I are using differ sufficiently that it makes sense to continue working on Legiscope. For more on the Polimetrics project, see the Knight News Challenge article, here
Continue reading “Phlegiscope, Keeping Track of Laws Being Made”
Thinking CNC – Frame done in OpenSCAD (Updated)

Updated 25 November 2012, 1:17am. Continue reading “Thinking CNC – Frame done in OpenSCAD (Updated)”
Rolling October Smog
Bad Law Rears It’s Ugly Head – Incidents
Tracking uses and abuses of RA 10175
Saturday, 20 October 2012 – An Aparri Regional Trial Court Judge, Hon. Conrado Tabaco, issued an arrest warrant for Esperlita Garcia, President of the Gonzaga Alliance for Environmental Protection and Preservation, despite the Supreme Court temporary restraining order issued sometime 9 October 2012. This warrant was issued on the basis of a libel complaint by Gonzaga Mayor Carlito Pentecostes Jr., over a Facebook posting that has subsequently been deleted from the FB account. Ms. Garcia was subsequently released on PhP 10,000 bail after being detained overnight Thursday, 18 October 2012. Continue reading “Bad Law Rears It’s Ugly Head – Incidents”